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Mission Statement

To empower authenticity, self-love and acceptance through the use of Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching so that individuals may embrace their truth.


Vision Statement

To nurture change and self-discovery one life at a time.


All Members of the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) and the American Board of LP (ABNLP) shall assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of the Hypnosis/NLP profession by agreeing to abide by the following code of professional ethics:


Member shall conduct sessions at all times in a professional manner within a professional setting.


Member shall obey all federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning the practice of hypnotherapy.


All matters between the member/therapist and client/patient shall be confidential. No third party shall have access to information given to the member/therapist by the client/patient.
a) when the client/patient has granted permission in writing to divulge private information;
b) where life is at risk by withholding private information; or
c) by force of law.


Sexual activity shall not occur between a member/therapist and a client/patient during the complete course of therapy from the member/therapist and for a period of at least two years after the professional relationship has ended.


The member shall have a responsible attitude in retaining the good name of therapists by attention to personal conduct.

The member shall keep up-to-date with material and innovations in their field of interest.

Prior to entering into any professional relationship, the member shall disclose to the client/patient the nature of the therapy, the purpose of the therapy, the anticipated length of therapy and potential cost of the therapy. No service will be provided until an informed consent is secured from the client.


If during the course of a session, information is disclosed that would suggest a referral or consultation with other professionals would be appropriate, the session shall be terminated and the referral or consultation shall be made if requested by the client/patient.


If a member is working by referral from another professional, the member shall only perform such services as are specified in the referral, and shall terminate the relationship after such services are provided.


A member shall terminate his/her relationship with a client/patient when the client can no longer benefit from continued service and shall not provide service if the member does not have a good faith belief that the client/patient will benefit from the services provided.

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